Monday, January 24, 2011

Super Cute, Really Easy and Dirt Cheap!!!

There are so many wonderful blogs out there that share great ideas and provide free tutorials. I found this idea on Tatertots and Jello. Love this site! There are all kinds of craft projects and great giveaways. This tutorial is for making these fun Valentine themed frames. The tutorial explains designing and cutting vinyl to do these frames but I used designer paper instead.
I have had these wooden frames laying around for awhile, dug them out and got Shelby started by painting around the outside edges with white paint. They are $1.00 each. Big bargain!!
Once they dried and she was put to bed, I cut out the papers and finished them up.
These two are on my mantle along with family photos and they look so sweet. I have been trying to build my Valentine decorations this year. I have so little. I will enjoy pulling these out each year. Give these a try. It's also a good project to do with the kids. Happy Crafting!


Anonymous said...

These look great. I'm just not much of a holiday decorator.... I need to dig out the Valentines swap stuff from a few years ago. I think I'll hang them in the kitchen. xoxo

Sugar Bear said...

I saw this on TT&J - one of my favorite blogs too! Love your frames. They all look fabulous and great to know you can get the same look without the vinyl.

Cassie Shella said...

Oh and I have two similar unfinished wooden frames that I got at Michael's almost a year ago - thanks so much for the inspiration! Just the other day Fiona asked me what we should get the grandmas for Valentines day. Now I know:) Have a Blessed weekend.

Unknown said...

Youre frames are so cute!! Have a great weekend! Sandy xox

cinnibonbon said...

Oh I like these simple ideas. Girlie I received the lovely valentine and even posted it to my blog --thank you so much!!!!
Miss you.