Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We're at it again! We are making Valentine's Day Ornaments for a small group of swappers. Here is a sneak peak at my Queen of Hearts dolls.
Alice and Wonderland has been very popular this year. This is my vintage version of the Queen of Hearts. She is a far bit prettier than the traditional character.
I cut a template out of thin cardboard and then started to put her together like a fancy paper doll. I had to make 6 for the swap. The other dolls are hanging on my Valentine Tree waiting to be wrapped up to be sent off.
This was a fun project. Best of all, I had all the supplies I needed in my studio. No last minute running out to pick up a few things!! Now, I need to figure out how to package them up. I will think of something. Time to start making the rest of the Valentine goodies. Over the next few weeks, Mom will have knee replacement surgery, I will be in Winnipeg, CA for business and then we are heading back down to Disney World for President's weekend. Valentine's Day will be here before I know it! Hugs and Kisses to everyone.


Unknown said...

OMG girl it's FABULOUS!!

natalea said...

AWESOME! I love her!!
Tell your mom I said good luck!
xox nat

Cassie Shella said...

She is spectacular looking - you are right, much prettier than the original queen of hearts! Lots of prayers for your mom's knee surgery:)

debbiek said...

Just LOVE your queen! Amazingly beautiful:) This is the first time I visited your blog and will have to stop by again sometime. Good luck to your Mom...

Anonymous said...

very pretty!