Friday, December 7, 2012

Presents from "Sandy Claus"

 I opened my first Christmas present the other day!  "Sandy Claus" sent me these sweet gifts.  I just loved all the red and white polka dots!
 Look at this awesome tag. She is a paper doll tag!  Love it.  I had to try making one myself.  They are so fun and festive.
 The tag was tied onto this great book by Sally Jean; Pretty Little Things.  Lots of awesome projects.
 This card is so stinkin' cute!!!  The little art block is an angel holding little houses covered in music paper.  Sorry this picture is a bit fuzzy.  It does not do it justice.  I have already added it to my writing table in the studio.
Last but not least, Sandy made me this hand made pillow with my Rosie on the front.  I have it on the back bench in the glamper.  She fits right in and it looks perfect.  She is ready to go Glamping!!!!!
Many, many thanks, dear friend!  You are an angel!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so relieved that you like the way the pillow turned out! BTW, it was so nice seeing you and Don in those pix. It felt like I was there again. Have fun in Florida!