Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to YOU!!

This post is a very special Birthday Post being sent out to celebrate Tam's 40th Birthday!!! Tam has a great blog called Lollipops and she always shares her fun loving life with all of her readers. PLEASE go over to see Tam's blog and wish her a wonderful Birthday!

Dear Southern Diva,

Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend! I hope you have a wonderful year chasing down all of your dreams. I look forward to finally meeting you in Savannah in person! Until then, mix yourself one of your world famous martini's and CELEBRATE making it to 40!!!!

Love to you!!


Tam said...

Thank you that was sweet! Makes me want to cry. HMMM probably because it is way to early in the Morning to be 40...LOL Seriously thank you and YOU are tooo sweet. YES it will be great fun to finally MEET you in SAVANNAH! YOU have a great week and that you for this GREAT BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a sweet post!

Have fun with your martinis! And, you'll have to drink one for me. Savannah is just a little too far.