Tuesday was honor's day for the 2nd grader's. S had a challenging year being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Her teacher was instrumental in helping to diagnose her and getting us the assistance we needed to understand the issue. So we spent most of the year working really hard on homework and coming up with tools for her to use to cope. We were thrilled and excited to learn that she received all M's which stands for Mastered on her report card. She also received an award in Computer Science. Way to go S!!!
This year went by so fast. She is off to 3rd grade. So to celebrate the last day of school we took Rosie out camping over night at a local campground.
We went to Lake Juliett which is about 25 minutes from us. Mom and Dad came with us and had their first sleepover in my vintage beauty. We had a blast.
For $20 we got this killer spot right on the lake. It was like being in the middle of no where. We will definitely be coming back this summer. We will try and rent a canoe next time to get out on the water.
Congrats to S girl!!! The camping looks great- glad you had a good time!
I went through the same thing with Lucas these last few months. Congrats to S for her achievements! Your camper spot looks so tranquil.
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